- Elegy for a dying sun [4:35]
- Her frantic call [5:54]
- Divide et impera [6:32]
- The frayed lines of time [4:37]
- Void of humiliation [5:08]
- The age of treason [11:06]
- Limitless [4:17]
- Existential vastness [7:11]
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All songs are by Flavio Gianello,
All lyrics and vocal lines are by Amèris except track n.4 by F. Gianello and n.6 by Andrea Torre.
Arrangments by Flavio Gianello and Andrea Torre except track n.4, 5 and 8 by F. Gianello, A. Torre and C. Ciaccia.
Produced by Giuseppe Orlando, Flavio Gianello and Andrea Torre.
Recorded and mixed @Outersound studios by Giuseppe Orlando during all
Mastered by Mika Jussila @Finnvox studios in
Cover artwork and graphic layout by Gustavo Sazes.
Published by Scarlet Records

Elegy for a dying sun
Elemental storm
Dreadful radiance
Distorted peace
It’s all we can see
Nobody knows what da hell is happening
Mutations of time are unstoppable
Shadows dance in the moonlight
But our eyes don’t recognise that
Like dancers lost in the windstorm
Blind particles in the void
Waiting for the revolution
Seeking out the new evolution
Moving in the streams of chaos
Looking for the new light
Waiting to admire the old sun’s, lower, strained light
This age of suffering gets closer to the end
Can you sense the rebirth?
After all the pain who stands up tall?
Nothing more will remain the same
Waiting for the revolution
Seeking out the new evolution
Fire’s burning the old age
Radiant new life: start to breathe
Cold blue sky receive (the) last black night
Let the rays cut the past
May the sunshine do the rest
Elegy for a dying sun
Waiting for the revolution
Seeking out the new evolution
Moving in the streams of chaos
Looking for the new light
Waiting to admire the new sun, higher, shining bright
This age of suffering
Gets closer to the end
Can you sense the rebirth?
After all the pain
Who stands up tall?
Nothing more will remain the same
Cold blue sky
Last black night
Let the rays cut the past
May the sunshine do the rest!
It’s something deep through the soul
It’s something warm throughout the dark
She: the key to fear not death
There’s a passage over the gateway
That always waits for me to be complete
She: the silence, she…
I fear doom no more
She takes me out of the quiet state of normality
Between two worlds I escape
Like a Lewis Carrol’s tale
Alice falls in an inconstant universe so distant, so near
Follow, don’t fear
Be praised of feared
Can’t you hear her frantic call?
It’s something you cannot ignore
Time has now come to create
New worlds appear to your inner sight
An entire life in few moments
Visions of new trajectories
New way, new space and colors unknown
New way, new space and colours unknown (x2)
Like a Lewis Carrol’s tale
Alice falls in an inconstant universe so distant, so near
Her frantic call, in solitude I follow
Can’t you hear her frantic call?
It’s something you cannot ignore
Time has now come to create
New worlds appear to your inner sight
Her frantic call
In solitude I follow the light
Can’t you hear her frantic call?
It’s something you cannot ignore
Time has now come to create
New worlds appear to your inner sight
Follow the destination, the hidden path
The one you didn’t choose:
Required route and blinded steps
White eyes and frozen thoughts
There’s no will, no human mind
A nameless mass is what they are
A shameless mask replaced the face
A synthetic god for a blind new faith
A synthetic god in this brand new day
Praise the sharpest eye
Identify yourself
Praise the wretched lord
Social disorders, racism, prejudice
False crisis mythology, sick economy
Murderous fury
Bound to hysteria choke in a silent war
Art of controlling chaos
Bound to hysteria, empire of the loss
Art of controlling lives
And the holy wars
And the cataclysms
Gurus and messiah
Lies ‘n guns on our head
Tech-stress demonstration: divided we are sick
Crisis of identity: divided we are weak
Divided we are lost
Divided we’re enslaved
Divided we collapse
Divide et impera
A synthetic god for a blind new faith
A synthetic god in this brand new day
Praise the sharpest eye
Identify yourself
Praise the wretched lord
Bound to hysteria choke in a silent war
Art of controlling chaos
Bound to hysteria, Empire of the loss
Art of controlling lives
Opium – Faith – Opium (x2)
Close your eyes, open your mind
We’re not slaves in a cellar
Listen to your deepest voice to be set free
Cold sand burns my skin slipping through my hands
Unconstrained yet bound slave with ropes of mental source
My mind’s eroded, exposing a labyrinth in which I’m lost
No way out for the one who’s host
These walls look the same everywhere I turn
The longer I’m in, the deeper I go, the more I drift away
There’s no escape from the tricks of my foolish mind
I am Teseus without the thread of my loving Ariadne
The hourglass is emptying out
And most former paths are buried with grit
My freedom as prison of my objectives
Don’t stay still (x2)
Or life shall flow and kill you twice
The frayed lines of time
The scariest scars, they sear inside
The burden I bring, It thwarts me
On my way to deceive the universal conviction
Stuck in the maze of thoughts and dreams turned nightmares
I need to free my mind defeating the beast
I feel his presence, I hear his breath
I rise my sight
I’m horrified as I mirror myself
Don’t take the time to live in regrets
Because time is fleeting, like water
Just sail it and point at the shining horizon
I’ll be stronger than my strongest weakness
Try, succeed, fail: Live
Don’t stay still
This heat you feel will burn your soul
Don’t stay still
Or life shall flow and kill you twice
The frayed lines of time
The scariest scars, they sear inside
A world forged in chaos
The civilization’s crumbling down
Hi-tech slaves crawl along the streets
All of them, the same dull guise
The common sense teared apart
Twisted mouth, mind under control
Depression, rage, racism, controlled mind
Ready to fall in the void
Ready to lose your life
Free to serve that slavery
Ready to fall into the void
There’s an easy way:
Frustration and depression
There’s an easy way:
Accept the humiliation
Yet there’s another one:
Obstruct the device
Choose to trust your innate silence
Used like slaughtered animals
Born, live, serve, procreate, buy and die
Branded and packaged
Grown to obey
Grown to obey
Exploited like slaughter animals
Grown to obey
Grown to obey
As thunders ripped the sky apart they infused unrelenting fear in us:
Scattered shreds of life
No hideout, no heavenly land
Could spare us from that abusive compulsion to see order where there’s none
In search of stillness we could not fairly deal with those threats
In a higher world we relied to justify the unfairness of our state
Relegated, with no power to face the world
With no wisdom to lead mankind ahead of itself
In a glorious and resolute hunt for answers
The progress of none, a stillborn age of reason
Disheartening, how we missed our first chance.
To ban the denial of the past now we’re alive
The custom for cheap lies stagnates
Sanctified, these foul words are law, we should not abide
Yet events prove us wrong ’cause of thoughtless sacrifices
We lost our chance twice
But the inertness of men became their bane
As they fought for pride and land not a single soul got saved
A pitch black demonstration resonates throughout the eons:
The deepest Age of Treason
Our kin divides between the saints that hear God calling
And those who call for truth to arouse all of mankind to awake his mind
To break the line
A line of indolence so stale to last for centuries
Indulgence is not harmless for us, for you, for them:
For those who are yet to come
It’s time for light to take its place and shine clear
No deceit will flee its reveal
In discord we’ll see our dawn
With cunning and awareness we’ll lead our stride
The stride towards all that is truth throughout our life
Exploiting our reasoning we’ll hunt down this superstitious scourge
The fall of dead ends shall come as earthquakes strike:
Sudden, arrogant and dire
Shocked by the clash, mankind will repent for his treacheries, his morbid acts, his spite
All aimed to himself
We are of our path the creators
We are the consistent flag for our progenies
We drain our veins, we fear the arrival of death
We do not comprehend, we swallow dirt and sand but we mind
We do mind, how to better live, how to reach harmony, how to be better kin
We do mind
Do not look back, avoid to the past
‘Cause time’s a lie to deceive mankind
A creature called society is different from a colourless mass
And you know one by one
All the scars and all the wounds collected in your soul
Since the time no one recalls
So learn from pain, from all your sores
Stand up my friend, you’re limitless
Shun all regrets
Condemn the blame
Do not surrender
Raise your head
Look straight ahead
Your challenges
And don’t forget
You’re limitless
Don’t waste time
Do always what makes you feel alive
Today you live
Don’t even mind
What others want you to achieve
Become yourself and you’ll be free
No more regrets: go always straight
Stop at nothing, you’re limitless (x4)
Shun all regrets
Condemn the blame
Do not surrender
Raise your head
Look straight ahead
Your challenges
And don’t forget
You’re limitless
So learn from pain, from all your sores
Stand up my friend, you’re limitless
Shun all regrets
Condemn the blame
Do not surrender
Raise your head
Look straight ahead
Your challenges
And don’t forget
You’re limitless
Trying to comprehend the existence of his own race
Lord of all, lord of nothing, lord of void, lord of a consecrated gipsy soil
The quest for illumination could blind you
And consciousness is the first step to a real knowledge
The stair goes upward through brilliant sounds
Where the ears cannot hear
And only an open heart could feel
Prowling, the target’s ahead
forward, forward straight to the end
The grey man walks the path
In the desolated land of inclusiveness
Against the wind he struggles
A cold wind like a blade
Conquering the inconsistence
The meaning of the question burns the heart away
The naked spirit crawls in a labyrinth of walls
Wind keeps on blowing cutting the most perceptive parts of my lonely rambling soul
Looking at the sky I growl, I growl
Forward the grey man goes
The stair goes upward through brilliant sounds
Where the ears cannot hear
And only an open heart could feel
Time fades away, time is a lie
Silver horizons overlook the sea opening a crack in the existential vastness
Sunset, sunlight (x4)
Time is all a lie in the existential vastness
The sand covers the ancient lie
Time fades away, this sand covers a lie
Prowling, the target’s ahead
Forward, forward straight to the end
The grey man walks the path
In the desolated land of inclusiveness
Against the wind he struggles
A cold wind like a blade
Conquering the inconsistence